Ti Dental
6455 Macleod Trail SW Suite 708 Calgary AB T2H 0K9 (403) 253-7003

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Calgary, AB / (403) 253-7003

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How To Stop Receding Gums From Getting Worse

Habits for Healthy Gums

Keeping your gums healthy and strong is essential for protecting your smile. Most patients know that regular dental exams and cleanings are good for their teeth. But they’re also crucial for preventing many oral problems, like receding gums. 

Gum recession can cause uncomfortable symptoms and health risks. Although brushing and flossing away dental plaque at home can benefit gum health, other risk factors can lead to gum recession. To stop receding gums from getting worse, diagnosing and treating the cause is crucial.

What Is Gum Recession?

Healthy gums hug your teeth, fitting closely around the anatomical crown (top part of the tooth). Gingival recession (gum recession) is when your gums pull away from your teeth, loosening their hold on your teeth and exposing the roots.

Healthy gums support your teeth and oral health. They help secure your teeth and prevent bacteria from travelling to the more sensitive parts of the tooth. When the root is exposed, the tooth can appear elongated, and you may experience pain, swelling, sensitivity, and tooth discolouration. It also increases the risk of infection, often requiring root canal treatment.

Symptoms of receding gums typically include:

  • Bleeding gums
  • Exposed roots
  • Loose teeth
  • Pain at the gum lines
  • Red or swollen gums
  • Visibly shrinking gums

How to Stop Gum Recession

To stop receding gums from getting worse, you need to identify the cause. Your dentist can diagnose your dental health and recommend treatment options. 

Some common causes of gum recession include:

A comparison between a new manual toothbrush and an identical one but with extremely frayed bristles from aggressive brushing

Aggressive Brushing

Brushing your teeth is an essential part of good oral hygiene. Regularly brushing (twice daily) can help prevent gum disease, tooth decay, and long-term oral health issues.

Unfortunately, incorrectly brushing can lead to oral problems. Brushing too hard, particularly along the gum line, can cause gum irritation. Over time, excessive pressure can cause gum recession.

To prevent aggressive brushing, try avoiding:

  • Applying too much pressure while brushing
  • Brushing with a broad, horizontal motion
  • Using a hard-bristled toothbrush

If you’re having trouble decreasing the pressure, try switching to an electric toothbrush rather than a manual toothbrush. Some patients press harder with a manual brush.


Bruxism is the habit of teeth grinding and excessive jaw clenching. Over a prolonged period, the motion and intense pressure can cause gum recession. The grinding can also create deep pockets between the teeth and gums, causing:

  • Bacteria buildup
  • Gum inflammation
  • Loose teeth

People often don’t realize they’re suffering from the condition, and many do so while sleeping. Bruxism while awake typically occurs when you’re tense and focused, such as working at a computer. Notably, more pressure is placed on the teeth while you’re asleep, contributing to grinding.

Often the first sign of night grinding is the sound. A partner, spouse, or parent is most likely to hear it. People who grind their teeth and clench their jaws may experience facial pain. However, the discomfort is typically minimal during the early days of the habit.

Try these tips to prevent bruxism and stop receding gums from getting worse:

  • If you clench your jaw while awake, try to be more aware of the behaviour. Make note if it occurs more commonly during specific situations or tasks. 
  • Talk to your dentist about techniques for relaxing your jaw and keeping your teeth apart during the day.
  • If you grind at night, try to practice relaxation techniques before bedtime, such as deep breathing, meditation, or listening to music.
  • Include stress-reducing activities during the day, such as physical activity or relaxing hobbies.

Gum Disease

The most common cause of receding gums is gum disease (periodontal disease). When plaque hardens into tartar, a hard substance containing bacteria and acids, it destroys tooth enamel and surrounding tissue. Over time, the bacterial infection can erode gums, bones, and oral tissue. 

Although gum disease typically progresses slowly, it can lead to multiple oral symptoms and increase the risk of heart disease, respiratory disorders, and stroke. However, gum disease is usually treatable and reversible, mainly when detected early.

Signs of gum disease typically include:

  • Attachment loss (gum recession)
  • Bad breath
  • Bleeding gums
  • Metallic taste
  • Red or discoloured gums
  • Shiny, puffy, or sore gums
  • Tooth sensitivity

Your dentist can prescribe treatment options for gum disease. However, depending on the severity of the condition, a dentist may refer patients to a periodontist for treatment. Surgical treatment may sometimes be necessary to remove damaged teeth, gums, or tissue.

Treatment methods for gum disease include:

Preventing & Treating Gum Recession

Practicing healthy oral habits is the best way to prevent gum recession from worsening. Your at-home oral hygiene, including daily brushing, flossing, and nutrition, can significantly support your oral health. But when stubborn plaque buildup or oral health issues require more attention, your dentist can help.

Regular dental exams and cleanings are essential for keeping your gums healthy. Talk to your dentist if you’ve noticed changes in your gums or need tips about oral hygiene. Request an appointment with Ti Dental today!

Visit Our Dental Clinic in SW Calgary

Ti Dental is conveniently located in suite 708 of the Chinook Centre Professional Tower, right within CF Chinook Centre in SW Calgary. Whether you’re visiting for a routine teeth cleaning, dental implants or specialized dental care our team is here to help. We’re easy to find, offering you the convenience of dental care close to your favourite shopping destination. We look forward to welcoming you to our dentistry soon!

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  • 6455 Macleod Trail SW Suite 708
  • Calgary, AB T2H 0K9

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  • Monday8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Tuesday10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Thursday8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
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