Flossing Benefits Everyone knows taking care of your teeth is crucial for preventing dental problems. Regular dental exams, brushing your teeth, and flossing can help patients avoid uncomfortable symptoms, like tooth sensitivity or infections. However, taking care of oral health isn’t as simple as completing a to-do list. People learn the basics of brushing and […]
Why Are My Teeth Sensitive?
You might not think about your teeth much, beyond routine cleanings, brushing them in the morning and at night, or the odd time you get a piece of spinach stuck in there, causing a funny-looking smile. However, you might not be able to think about much else if they start causing you discomfort or sudden […]
What Happens If You Don’t Brush Your Teeth?
For most of us, one of the earliest lessons we are taught in life is the importance of brushing our teeth. Whether it was our parents, teachers, or coaches, the lesson was the same: if you don’t brush your teeth 2 times a day, they’re going to rot and fall out. The warnings about having […]