Ti Dental
6455 Macleod Trail SW Suite 708 Calgary AB T2H 0K9 (403) 253-7003

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Calgary, AB / (403) 253-7003

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Are Yellow Teeth Stronger?

The colour of teeth is often seen as a sign of health and beauty, with many saying gleaming white teeth are the epitome of a healthy smile. The belief that whiter teeth are stronger teeth is common. But what if, in the pursuit of a Hollywood-white smile, we’ve overlooked the actual strength and health of our teeth?

The colour of your teeth doesn’t always correlate to their health or strength—yellow teeth could be stronger, but only as long as you’re cleaning them regularly. White teeth can be an excellent way to show off your smile, but that’s cosmetic, and maintaining the health of your smile with dental cleanings goes deeper than the yellow or white colour of your teeth. 

Tooth Colour & Strength

It’s understandable to think that white teeth are always stronger. After all, many of us learn to associate white teeth with a clean and robust smile. This connection, however, is not fully scientifically sound. The natural colour of your teeth can be affected by the thickness of your enamel and the pigmentation of the dentin underneath, which varies from person to person. 

Tooth Colour

Tooth enamel, the outermost layer of teeth, has a natural hue that can be white, blue-white, or slightly yellow. The dentin underneath your enamel has a yellowish hue that can also affect the colour of your teeth when it becomes visible through your enamel. 

Influences from genetics, lifestyle, and aging can contribute to the shade of your teeth too, but those same factors don’t necessarily affect the strength of your teeth. That doesn’t mean discolouration is harmless, though. 

Yellow teeth can still be a sign of poor oral hygiene and plaque buildup. Brown, black, and even white spots could also be signs of a cavity. The colour of your teeth may hint toward a problem, but regular dental checkups can help you fully determine whether or not lifestyle changes and dental treatments are needed.

Tooth Strength

Tooth enamel is considered the hardest substance in the human body, and tooth strength is determined by the density and integrity of your enamel, as well as the health of the deeper layers of your teeth. No solid research exists to prove that tooth colour, without any additional factors or treatments, directly relates to tooth strength. Notably, this means yellow teeth could be stronger than white teeth, but a yellow tooth isn’t stronger than a white tooth simply by being yellow. 

Causes of Tooth Discolouration

Tooth discolouration often builds up over time and can be caused by many factors. In some cases, you can’t avoid it—such as when discolouration is caused by your enamel gradually wearing down over many years—but you can manage it.

There are 2 types of tooth stains: extrinsic and intrinsic stains. 

Extrinsic stains affect your enamel and can be caused by:

  • Red sauces
  • Red wine
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Chocolate
  • Smoking and other tobacco products

Additionally, highly acidic foods and beverages can erode enamel, making it easier for stains to set in. If you neglect to brush and floss regularly, plaque—a sticky film of bacteria—can accumulate on your teeth. Over time, plaque can absorb pigments from food and turn yellow.

Intrinsic stains affect the inside of the tooth and may be caused by:

  • Genetics
  • Excessive fluoride use
  • Tooth injuries
  • Medications
  • Tooth decay
  • Aging and gradual wear

Professional Teeth Whitening

For those with deeply set stains or for people merely looking for a whiter smile, professional teeth whitening treatments can be an option worth considering. These treatments can remove both surface stains and those deeper in the tooth, helping create a whiter shade for your teeth.

You can generally find 2 kinds of whitening procedures: in-office and at-home treatments. 

At-home treatments are typically less powerful but can be safe and effective ways to remove minor surface stains. These may include whitening toothpastes, strips, or peroxide trays. You should talk to your dentist before starting a new whitening regimen, as improper use can damage your teeth. 

Dentists can use higher-concentration bleaching gels during in-office treatments. Additionally, we can use devices like the Zoom 2! in-office whitening system to combine hydrogen peroxide whitening gel with high-tech LED lights.

The hydrogen peroxide gel penetrates through the enamel and causes a chemical reaction that can bleach stains. The high-intensity LED lights activate the peroxide gel to hasten the whitening process. The typical procedure takes about an hour and can whiten your teeth by up to 8 shades.

Strengthening Your Teeth

A man in his pajamas brushing his teeth.

Fluoride can help prevent tooth decay and strengthen enamel. If you have a cavity, we may recommend a filling to help support the health and strength of your teeth. But keeping your teeth strong and healthy also requires continuous oral hygiene habits, such as:

Dentists can evaluate your oral health and recommend suitable treatments for your specific needs. We can also provide advice on how to maintain your results.

Keep Your Teeth Strong & Healthy

The beauty of your smile starts with the strength of your teeth. Yellow teeth aren’t inherently stronger or weaker than white teeth. While whitening treatments can be excellent for enhancements, comprehensive dental care is the keystone for both the aesthetics and foundation of healthy teeth.

Once you have your teeth’s health taken care of, you can consider getting them to the shade you want. At Ti Dental, we offer support for your tooth strength and the appearance of your smile with dental cleanings, restorative services, and Zoom 2! whitening treatments. 

Whether you’re looking for a vibrant smile or stronger teeth, we’re here to help. Book your appointment today!

Visit Our Dental Clinic in SW Calgary

Ti Dental is conveniently located in suite 708 of the Chinook Centre Professional Tower, right within CF Chinook Centre in SW Calgary. Whether you’re visiting for a routine teeth cleaning, dental implants or specialized dental care our team is here to help. We’re easy to find, offering you the convenience of dental care close to your favourite shopping destination. We look forward to welcoming you to our dentistry soon!

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  • 6455 Macleod Trail SW Suite 708
  • Calgary, AB T2H 0K9

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  • Monday8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Tuesday10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Thursday8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Friday8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • SaturdayClosed
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